In simple words, we can define digital marketing as the promotion and marketing of goods and services to consumers through digital channels and electronic devices. Philip Kotler is considered the father of digital marketing. According to Kotler “digital marketing is a set of activities that a company or person runs on the Internet in order to attract new businesses and develop a brand identity”. Over 43% of the Indian population widely uses the internet, and there is no doubt about the bright future of digital marketing in India and all over the world. Flexibility is one of the attractive features of this career. There are some top digital marketing training companies in Kerala that you can join. Learning digital marketing skills can be useful for a successful future.

Flexibility of a digital marketing career

Digital marketing is a good career for those who love continuous learning. It is a dynamic industry that is prone to change and development. It offers flexibility and ease of working. To survive in this industry, a digital marketer should always be aware of the digital trends happening around the market. Many companies allow their digital marketers to work from home, as most of the tasks can be done from a computer. Many digital marketers work as freelancers, so they can find clients there on clients. Because of the various job roles in digital marketing, the digital marketer can switch from one role to another.

Various job opportunities in digital marketing

There are various job opportunities in digital marketing. It includes various job roles such as digital marketing executive, digital marketing manager, SEO specialist, Google Ads specialist, social media manager, user experience (UX) designer, content strategist, email marketing specialist, and copywriter.

Digital Marketing Executive

Digital marketing executive

It is a junior position in the digital marketing team. Usually, people with less experience in digital marketing join as digital marketing executives. They promote the services of a company on social media and other online platforms through digital marketing techniques.

Digital Marketing Manager

Digital marketing manager

The digital marketing manager implements digital marketing campaigns and short-term advertising techniques through social platforms. This is a role taken up by some experienced professionals in digital marketing. They research and implement new digital marketing plans for better promotion and reach.

UX Designer

UX designer

UX design is a growing field with endless opportunities. The UX designer should make sure that the product is learnable and usable for the end user. They should make sure that the users are satisfied with the website or applications that they are using. UX designers should have a deep understanding of the user, their needs, abilities, and limitations.

Google Ads Specialist 

Google ads specialist

The main responsibility of the Google Ads specialist is to plan, arrange, and manage campaigns for Google Ads. Nowadays, most companies are in need of an expert in Google Ads. The person who is choosing this career should be passionate about marketing and Google advertising. These professionals help the companies reach their marketing goals.

Social Media Manager 

Social media manager

This role is seen as the voice of the company. One of the main responsibilities of a social media manager is to increase followers through different strategies, such as producing content, reviewing analytics, etc. The person who is in this role should have the ability to create effective social media strategies.

Content Strategist 

Content strategist

The main responsibility of the content strategist is to plan, design, create, edit, and publish relevant contents based on the business objectives and user needs. Content strategists are usually people who have a strong background in copywriting.

Email Marketing Specialist

Email marketing specialist

Email marketing specialists use email to promote their company’s services and products. They coordinate email strategies for an organization’s products and services. They identify a target audience for their brand, create email lists, and implement email marketing campaigns.

Skills required for a good digital marketing career

Their are some role-specific skills you may need when working in digital marketing. But there are some general skills needed for most of the employees in this field. They are : 

  • Good communication 
  • Analytical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Computer literacy
  • Time management
  • Data analysis

Drawbacks of working in digital marketing

Strict deadlines

strict deadlines in digital marketing

There are strict deadlines for digital marketing projects as companies need to attract more clients as soon as possible. The deadlines can motivate the employees to work hard and achieve the company’s goals.

Constant use of computer

constant use of computer in digital marketing

A digital marketer always uses a computer to complete their task. So the constant use of computer can irritate your eyes. Taking regular breaks can give your body and mind a chance to relax.

Rapid change in the industry

Rapid changes in the digital marketing field

Digital marketing is an industry in which changes happen very quickly. So the employees should stay up to date to survive in this industry. It will be a fast paced environment.


There are both pros and cons to a digital marketing career. A person should choose the digital marketing career only if he or she is very passionate about it. They should believe in themselves that they have the correct skill set for this role. The digital marketing field is so flexible, interesting, and challenging. Therefore, only people with true passion can survive in this industry. There are some top digital marketing training institutes in Kerala that provide intense training and live projects to mold you into a top digital marketer.

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